River Springs Church partners with Lexington Richland School District Five in giving hungry students a weekend Snack Pack. We currently provide students in need at Dutch Fork Middle School, Dutch Fork High School and Spring Hill High School. These students are selected by social workers, many which are homeless based on the McKinney-Vento Act; others are free/reduced lunch students who do not get enough to eat at home over the weekends.

Studies show that these weekend Snack Packs can reduce the number of Monday-morning school nurse's office visits and even improve classroom attention, grades and test scores. The schools report that the students look forward to their Snack Packs each week. Below is a list of items that we provide in each bag each week. The items can be any brand or similar item. Each bag will contain (1) of each item from below. All packages need to have single serving sizes to be broke apart (1) per student each week - such as grits, oatmeal, etc.

*Breakfast Bars     *Ravioli/Canned Pasta     *Rice Krispy Treats     *Fruit Snacks    *Mac & Cheese Cups                       *Applesauce Cups     *Juice Boxes/Capri Sun     *Oranges/Fruit Cups     *Ramen Noodles     *Lance Crackers              *Instant Noodle Cups     *Instant Grits

Here's How YOU can help: Bring items from this list and put in the collection bins in the lobby. You can be the hands and feet that prepare the bags in advance of delivery on Bagging days TBA. If you don't shop - you can donate $$ to the Snack Pack Ministry and we will make sure listed items are purchased.

 The churches and the district are working closely together to make sure each child in the program gets a "snack pack bag" when needed. It is such a blessing for River Springs Church (you) to be a part of helping our community. Please check the Current newsletter for any updated information on the Snack Pack Ministry or contact for more information.